【更新情報】 2025.01.22 更新 Highland Games are held all over the world to celebrate
Scottish culture and heritage. In 1989, Maud Robertson Ramsay Nomiyama founded
The Kansai Highland Games (KHG) which is still going strong today. With various activities from Athletics to Piping, Highland
Dancing to Tug-o-war and from Pillow Fight to Wellie Toss, the Games are an
ideal family day out. There is even a bouncy castle and a slide for the
children. Athletics: In the athletics competition participants will
compete in all or any of five different races, each with their own unique bent,
to decide who receives the champion prize. Competitors will be segregated by
age. Highland Dancing: One of Scotland’s famous traditions.
Originally used as an exercise to keep the Scottish soldiers fit and supple,
Highland Dancing is now an athletic event performed by males and females all
over the world. A good work out and a great way to keep in shape! Please
compete. All levels of Dancing are acceptable. Pillow Fight: A hard, tough battle which sees the competitor
balancing on top of a log and defending himself while trying to knock his
opponent off. Piping: Whenever someone mentions Scotland, Bagpipes come to
mind. A Highland Games could not be a Highland Games without the Bagpipes and so
at the KHG there are bagpipes a plenty, with competitions in; Chanter, Pairs, a
Slow Air, a Reel/Jig, Beginners and a March. All levels of Piping encouraged to
join. Wellie Toss: A competition where friends vie to prove who can
throw that boot the farthest. A serious competition with a humorous side. Tug-O-War: Line up with your friends, or friends-to-be and
pull with all your might. Team Participation: Join a seven man team or form your
own. This competition puts a different team member through a physical event
(excluding heavy events) to earn as many points as possible. Highest scoring
team wins. Heavy events: These are not for the untrained. These events
include The Caber Toss, The Stone put and The Weight over the Bar. Interested?
Please contact us anytime. Additional Attractions: Along with the Bouncy castle and slide
there are various vendors offering various kinds of food from several countries
and of course a whisky booth. What it takes to be part of The Kansai Highland Games:
Yourself and your enthusiasm. Interested? Contact
Kansai Highland Games