Happy, bright, well-mannered children who love to learn!
This is our aim.
When children come to us at one year old we expect very little. They should however be potty trained and able to put on and take off simple clothing of the pull on /pull off variety.
After having been at Scottish Academy for one year, each child will be able to:
Children joining Scottish Academy at two years old, here in our school should be potty trained and able to dress themselves in simple clothing. By the time they are three years old they should be at the same level as the other three year olds who should all be able to:
After one year at the Scottish Academy they should all be able to:
By the end of the school year they should be able to:
After one year i.e. by six years old ,all children should be able to:
Thursdays are kept free for visitors to have a look at our school. However we can only accommodate one person at a time. If you wish to come and have a look please reserve a visit。※Reservations
Office hours, Monday to Friday, are 9:00am - 4:00pm The office is closed Saturdays, Sundays and during the Summer / Winter holidays.