Happy, bright, well-mannered children who love to learn!
This is our aim.
For 1 year olds
When children come to us at one year old we expect very little. They should however be potty trained and able to put on and take off simple clothing of the pull on /pull off variety.
After having been at Scottish Academy for one year, each child will be able to:
- make all requests clearly and audibly
- sit and listen attentively to a story
- recognise his own name
- sort competently
- count to 10
- understand 2D shapes
- understand the concept of time
- form spiral shapes with a crayon
For 2 year olds
Children joining Scottish Academy at two years old, here in our school should be potty trained and able to dress themselves in simple clothing. By the time they are three years old they should be at the same level as the other three year olds who should all be able to:
- talk about own experiences
- listen well to stories
- recite a poem
- make attempts at writing own name
- sort by different criteria
- work with numbers 0 - 10
- identify 12 o'clock
- understand all major 2D shapes
- understand differences in style such as prose and poetry
For 3 year olds
After one year at the Scottish Academy they should all be able to:
- listen to instructions and act upon them
- talk clearly and audibly to the teacher
- Identify the letters "a" and "o"
- read own name and that of two or three other children
- have an understanding
- one to one correspondence
- understand numbers from 0 - 20
- add mentally (+ 1)
- tell the time by the hour
- handle one currency
- work with 3D shapes
For 4 year olds
By the end of the school year they should be able to:
- respond to a story
- talk to a group
- interpret simple graphs
- handle numbers to 50
- mentally add and subtract one digit
- sequence well
- measure accurately
- tell the time in half hour intervals
- read own name and that of all friends
- write labels for the classroom
- use a programmable toy
For 5 year olds
After one year i.e. by six years old ,all children should be able to:
- discuss a story
- give clear instructions to a group
- read 4 or 5 letter words phonetically
- read simple story books
- write explanation labels
- make and present graphs
- handle all numbers up to 100
- tell the time in 15 minute intervals