The contents of all the subjects.
Speaking - Listening
the children are expected to be able to listen to commands and carry them out and listen to stories speaking. The children are to be able to convey their own needs and relate an event logically and in sequence.
Reading -
the children are carefully drilled in all the necessary steps to encourage reading readiness. All children, regardless of age, are expected to identify their own name.
Writing -
by learning to dress themselves and pour their own drinks, the younger children learn medium muscle control. Thereafter learning control of large crayons, brushes and then pencils ensures that the children achieve writing readiness.
In Mathematics, counting, number recognition and one-to-one correspondence are given priority. Telling the time, graph work, mathematical shapes and computer work are also past of the curriculum.
The children study the map of the world in general with particular emphasis on Japan and Scotland. Songs and customs from other countries are explored. The history of Britain is studied by the children taking part in events and listening to stories about people long ago. By popular request dinosaurs have also been included.
In Science, the children explane the solar system, the weather, properties of air and water, the roots, stems and petals of plants and flowers, opposing physical forces and magnetism, especially gravity, are also covered.
In P.E.. the children learn control of large motor muscles, medium and fine muscles, balance, awareness of space and the means of travelling over space while interacting with others.
The children explore different aspects of line and form while learning, by the use of different media, how to hold and wield artistic tools. In order to continually keep a high standard of art in front of the children, it is normally only the teacher's work that is exhibited on the walls with the children's work being sent home for mothers to see. Occasionally some very good pieces of the children's artwork are used to decorate the walls.
Thursdays are kept free for visitors to have a look at our school. However we can only accommodate one person at a time. If you wish to come and have a look please reserve a visit。※Reservations
Office hours, Monday to Friday, are 9:00am - 4:00pm The office is closed Saturdays, Sundays and during the Summer / Winter holidays.