We do not put children's art work on the walls of the nursery. Any art work display is done by artists. This means that the children always have a high level of art in front of them. The walls are mainly decorated by life-size figures that the children clothe themselves by knitting, weaving, or sewing.. Each year we concentrate on one of these skills.
The boys too become proficient in knitting and weaving. Skill with the fingers aids development of the brain.
Each bell mark that the children bring in earns them one point which is recorded as a pictograph using cut out bell shapes. The teacher counts the bellmarks with the children thereby effectively teaching one-to-one correspondence. The children love this race to be first. They soon become proficient in understanding number. "Bridging the ten" lessons are a thing of the past. Notation too. The children read out their total without being asked and then record it on the ranking chart. Recently the children have started to teach themselves subtraction in order to find out how many they must bring in order to be given another gold bell.
The result is that 4year olds can add easily, 3 year olds understand notation and the 2 year olds understand the two ness of two and the reading of two,and of course every other number to nine.
We have five computers for the children. One for each level of ability. The small computer is a highly technical toy and helps to teach the children to handle computers with compassion. Using the mouse and operating it with their finger tips helps develop the child physically and mentally. It also allows them to progress to the next computer, a MacIntosh, When they can save and retrieve their work they move on to a Widows machine.
Our full sized skeleton is an essential part of the nursery. The children love him and are constantly shaking hands with him and picking up his leg to make him kick a ball etc. It adds a new slant to the song, "Oh the head bone is connected to the neck bone" Young children are very interested in the body and how it works and so this has been a very interesting and profitable piece of equipment.
Decorating the toilet and making it a happy place to be, is important at the nursery age. We accept children from one year old and although children are potty trained by then, they often do not want to stop what they are doing to go to the toilet. With beautifully decorated toilets it is easy to encourage the children to visit them. Decorations are added regularly eg long narrow pieces of green paper are made to emerge from the bulbs and eventually break through the soil. The children love to tell the teachers what has changed since they last went to the toilet.
Thursdays are kept free for visitors to have a look at our school. However we can only accommodate one person at a time. If you wish to come and have a look please reserve a visit。※Reservations
Office hours, Monday to Friday, are 9:00am - 4:00pm The office is closed Saturdays, Sundays and during the Summer / Winter holidays.