Time table & a typical day

In the Scottish Academy, children are divided into two sections;
nursery school (1 to 4 yeras old) and primary school (5 years old and up).
The subjects they learn are as below.
The school year for both sections starts in September.


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 English

Maths MS Science English
  Sweetie time Sweetie time Sweetie time Sweetie time Sweetie time
2 Misc

Science Maths Maths Science
  Lunch time Lunch time Lunch time Lunch time Lunch time
3 Maths

Art Science PE Maths
  Sweetie time Sweetie time Sweetie time Sweetie time Sweetie time
4 Science

English Misc English Music


Primary School

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Chanter /French WRAM WRAM WRAM
  Sweetie time Sweetie time Sweetie time Sweetie time Sweetie time
2 Misc

WRAM MS Maths Science
  Lunch time Lunch time Lunch time Lunch time Lunch time
3 Maths

Art Science PE Maths
  Sweetie time Sweetie time Sweetie time Sweetie time Sweetie time
4 Science

English Misc English Music
*1:WRAM: Writing. Reading. Arithmetic. Music - one of each im rotation


A typical day

Children come to the nursery.
First put their bags and jackets on their respective shelves, then they keep a record of their own attendance by sticking stickers onto a graph. After that, they work on computers. We have 4 computers and children use software suitable to their levels. The 1-year-old children work on a toy computer imported from Scotland. When they have learned to respect computers - i.e. keyboards are not to be banged and the mouse is neither a cake nor a weapon - they move to Macintosh. 
Teachers work hard teaching the children (who think they are playing by introducing knowledge according to the time table) and items for the children to explore and learn.
Sweetie time.
Children wash their hands, say the grace, and have one hard sweetie and drink brought in by themselves. The children, even the one year olds pour their own drinks. There are always huge spillings and out porings in the beginning but the children soon learn how to pour and are so proud of themselves when they can do so. After sweetie time, they brush their teeth. While waiting for all the children to finish brushing their teeth and come back to the classroom, the children who finished early sing songs.
Children bring their own lunch. Teachers at the table teach children table manners and encourage conversation. The children are encouraged to finish their lunch within lunchtime.
Sweetie time.
In the afternoon sweetie time, they change sweeties with other children. This is fun and also a great opportunity to learn good social habits. A child who did not finish his lunch is not allowed sweeties in the afternoon but if they wish they may finish their lunch and then have sweeties.
Children are taken to the park to be picked up. 
Children dress themselves including their tie and pack their own bags. The children then water the plants outside before being taken to the local park where they are picked up by their parents.


Thursdays are kept free for visitors to have a look at our school. However we can only accommodate one person at a time. If you wish to come and have a look please reserve a visit。※Reservations


Office hours, Monday to Friday, are 9:00am - 4:00pm The office is closed Saturdays, Sundays and during the Summer / Winter holidays.